
Pope: Bonds bind us, not gadgets.

1 min read


  • Pope Francis addressed the Pontifical Academy for Life on the theme of “Human. Meanings and Challenges”.
  • The Pope emphasized the importance of relationships with others in finding meaning and purpose in life.
  • He warned against the technocratic paradigm and emphasized the significance of diversity of opinions.
  • The Pope highlighted the role of anthropologists in developing a culture that promotes the human being in their uniqueness.
  • Pope Francis praised the cross-disciplinary dialogue promoted by the Pontifical Academy for Life and its similarity to the synodal process in the Church.

In an address to the Pontifical Academy for Life, Pope Francis spoke on the theme of “Human. Meanings and Challenges”. He emphasized the importance of relationships with others at the core of human existence, and cautioned against the hegemony of a technocratic paradigm. The Pope highlighted the significance of diversity of opinions and the value of human language, which allows for depth of relationships beyond mere words. He called on scientists and researchers to exercise their craft responsibly, ensuring that technological advances do not disfigure what is human. The Pope praised the Pontifical Academy for Life for promoting cross-disciplinary dialogue and its similarity to the synodal process in the Church. He concluded by stating that Christianity can contribute to the technological-cultural dialogue by integrating elements from different cultures in the light of Christ and the Gospel.

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