
Nokia and Qualcomm team up for AI-interoperability technology #MWC24

1 min read


  • Nokia and Qualcomm have developed a prototype AI-interoperability technology to boost wireless capacity and performance.
  • This technology allows different AI models to coordinate with each other without the need to share AI models.

In a joint effort, Qualcomm and Nokia Bell Labs have successfully addressed the issue of AI interoperability in wireless systems. By utilizing a technique called sequential learning, different AI models can be independently trained, allowing them to work together seamlessly. This breakthrough technology will be showcased at Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona.

The collaboration between Qualcomm and Nokia aims to enable multi-vendor interoperability in wireless systems, ultimately improving capacity, performance, and energy consumption. The new approach to AI interoperability utilizes sequential learning, where data is shared for AI training without sharing actual AI models. This technique allows different AI systems to share knowledge effectively, without vendor limitations.

According to Tingfang Ji, VP of Engineering at Qualcomm Technologies, collaboration is essential for enabling wireless AI on a global scale. This partnership with Nokia sets the foundation for defining a scalable global standard. Peter Vetter, President of Bell Labs Core Research at Nokia, highlighted the significant potential of AI in communications, especially in the 6G era.

The AI proof-of-concept developed by Qualcomm and Nokia will be on display at Mobile World Congress 2024. This innovative technology is set to revolutionize the future of wireless communications, optimizing performance and efficiency for the next generation of networks.

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