
Face the AI generative reality head-on: truly ready, or not?

1 min read
  • The value of generative AI will be proven in 2024.
  • Top generative AI application areas include cybersecurity, sales and customer service, and product development.

Deloitte recently released a research report on generative AI, which revealed that enthusiasm for the technology is high among respondents. However, the report also highlighted concerns about talent and governance and risk in relation to generative AI adoption.

According to the research, 41% of leaders reported that their organizations were not prepared to address talent concerns, while 22% considered their organizations highly prepared. Additionally, 41% of leaders reported that their organizations were not prepared to address governance and risk concerns, while 25% considered their organizations highly prepared.

The article emphasizes the importance of nurturing AI and ensuring that organizations embrace it in order to learn, experiment, and build maturity. However, it also notes that between 60-75% of AI models are never sustained, highlighting the need for executive sponsorship and leadership in AI initiatives.

The article suggests that companies should partner with proven talent if they are unable to recruit the right talent internally. AI outsourcing is expected to accelerate as companies face the decision of whether to build, buy, or partner.

The article concludes by highlighting the need for data integrity before fully harnessing the promise of generative AI. It emphasizes the importance of inspecting data health and ensuring data foundations are in place.

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